Solo Swims of Ontario Inc.


Items from the following Web Sites have been used in the compilation of the SSO web site.

SSO gladly acknowledges their help and is pleased to provide the following links to their sites.
Click on a logo to access the associated Web Site.

The Web Counter on the SSO Home Page is provided courtesy of The WEB counter.

The Mudcat Cafe provides a searchable listing of traditional folk songs and their tunes.
The words for Gordon Lightfoot's The Edmund Fitzgerald were obtained from this site.

Earthwatch provides coloured, satellite views of places all over the World. It was not used in compiling the SSO web pages; however, it is a great resource for visual data of our planet. Apart from maps, it also provides cloud information, storm warnings, etc.

Environment Canada stores a set of colour-coded maps of Surface Water Temperature of the Great Lakes, with a nominal accuracy of /-1 degree C. Each map occupies approximately 200 k-bytes. These data come from the NOAA TIROS-N polar orbiting satellite; the temperatures are obtained from the visible and infrared channels of its associated Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR).

Xerox PARC - Palo Alto Research Center provides a World Map Viewer that can be personally controlled to plot any view of the world. The user can define both Latitude and Longitude to 1/100th of a degree, together with specifying the width and height of the view in degrees - i.e. the size of the window. The site provides Full Details on how to use the viewer and how to place marks on the chosen map at any number of desired positions whose co-ordinates (Lat. and Long.) are known. The SSO map of the Great Lakes and Lake Ontario were produced from data downloaded from the Xerox-PARC site.

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Created: 30th October 1999
Last Updated: 18th March 2003